“Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself.”

Qualitative 360 Assessments

Feedback is a gift we’d often rather return, however, we can’t grow if we don’t fully understand what we do. 360 assessments provide an invaluable starting point, providing detailed information that executives, by nature of their title and role, often do not hear.  360 assessments make blindspots visible, enabling insight into course corrections that highly accelerate growth.  

The Quality 360 Assessment process is a high touch process where we conduct in depth interviews with selected stakeholders and share the observations in areas that leaders want to improve. Responses are compiled in an anonymous report, highlighting important themes that emerge.   You and your coach then work together to develop an actionable plan to grow key areas of strengths and take actions where opportunities lie. 

There are some distinct advantages to utilizing a qualitative rather than quantitative process due to the quality of feedback it provides.  This methodology provides more nuanced information and is more aligned with the context of your role and your company. A quantitative tool, albeit efficient, does not provide this depth of valuable information available in an in person setting.

Although more labor-intensive, there are some substantial advantages for emerging, fast moving companies which require agile, aware and effective leadership.   This type of assessment also supports the value we place on having an informed and engaged relationship with our clients.

Other Assessments:  Embold utilizes and designs facilitation of the DiSC process to build communication and trust within and between teams.

Ready to explore what’s possible? Let’s get started!

“When people hear ‘flourishing,’ they think of appreciation and good feelings. But growth and development does not always equal ‘feeling good.’ We don’t define flourishing by sitting-around-the-campfire moments. We ask people to do seemingly impossible things.”