Embold - San Diego Executive Coaching & Consulting


Embold - San Diego Executive Coaching & Consulting


Embold - San Diego Executive Coaching & Consulting


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Your Success Is Our Inspiration.

About Us

We believe that rather than losing ourselves at work, that work can be a path to discovery and achieving our fullest selves. Everything is workable, and is a path to realizing our unique, innate abilities, especially work, where we spend most our time, exercise our resources and in best case, thrive and grow. To that end, Embold’s mission is to provide comprehensive coaching services that provide leadership development for individuals, teams and entire organizations.

Deepen your development. Grow your Leaders. Transform your organization (or all 3!)

Our Services

Executive Coaching


Organizational Strategy

We work with people who want to be effective, but also truly be themselves when they lead.  We support leaders who want to effectively overcome obstacles to achieve what is meaningful for them in the world, and those who want to handle stress and challenges with greater ease. We work with the whole person, not just the whole intellect, but we involve the body, because when we face difficult situations, our body reacts first. Just as individual leaders have tendencies, blindspots and challenges so do entire organizations. Our work is in service of supporting you and your organization in realizing your unique, innate abilities and actualizing them so that you can create the kind of organization you enjoy leading.

Our Results

“Learning what triggers me and taking responsibility for it rather than blaming others has been a game changer for me and my teams. I’ve become less reactive and more confident as a leader.”

CTO-Technology Industry


Leading from the Green Zone

Leading from the Green Zone

Chances are that if you're reading this you're at your saturation point. You've taken in more information than you ever thought possible about an unimaginable pandemic that is changing your reality so quickly, your mind is ready to explode. Think about it, as little...

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Don’t Tell Me Your 2020 Word

Don’t Tell Me Your 2020 Word

"All the true vows are secret vows the ones we speak out loud are the ones we break." David Whyte "Take a moment and check in with yourself," offered the HR executive leading this segment of the meeting. "I want you to think of a word that means the most to you, one...

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Generative Leadership

Generative Leadership

“Each of us is an artist of our days. ” (John O’Donahue) | In this VUCA world, we need an anecdote to high alert. The world is not going to slow down, and the demands that leaders face in complex, uncertain, volatile…

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